all postcodes in RM8 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM8 2FS 11 0 51.551587 0.108659
RM8 2FT 10 0 51.551367 0.109428
RM8 2FW 53 0 51.550896 0.108598
RM8 2FY 33 0 51.550307 0.109826
RM8 2GF 97 0 51.55004 0.110203
RM8 2GJ 0 51.55004 0.110694
RM8 2GN 0 51.550966 0.110203
RM8 2GP 64 0 51.551839 0.109147
RM8 2GQ 70 0 51.551863 0.107835
RM8 2FU 7 0 51.551338 0.109037
RM8 2FA 27 0 51.551415 0.107238