all postcodes in RM8 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM8 3BP 0 51.553114 0.131161
RM8 3BS 0 51.55308 0.132068
RM8 3BT 0 51.557816 0.146529
RM8 3BX 1 51.558791 0.127041
RM8 3DA 0 51.55644 0.142569
RM8 3DB 0 51.556596 0.140917
RM8 3DD 0 51.557748 0.140914
RM8 3DF 0 51.561253 0.132147
RM8 3DG 0 51.561201 0.133025
RM8 3DH 0 51.557434 0.140827
RM8 3DJ 0 51.557879 0.142088
RM8 3DL 0 51.557113 0.143163
RM8 3DP 0 51.558614 0.14319
RM8 3DR 0 51.558644 0.144505
RM8 3DS 0 51.558896 0.145469
RM8 3DT 0 51.558761 0.146501
RM8 3DU 0 51.558039 0.145659
RM8 3DX 0 51.557329 0.146116
RM8 3EA 0 51.556927 0.144987
RM8 3EB 0 51.556182 0.144389