all postcodes in RM8 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM8 1RT 0 51.565551 0.131642
RM8 1RX 25 51.566538 0.136709
RM8 1SH 5 51.567012 0.137871
RM8 1SL 39 51.563979 0.133516
RM8 1SP 2 51.566691 0.131305
RM8 1SR 0 51.567178 0.132194
RM8 1SS 0 51.565516 0.13063
RM8 1ST 2 51.564448 0.131013
RM8 1SW 0 51.567141 0.130778
RM8 1TD 0 51.566915 0.128329
RM8 1TE 0 51.567381 0.128437
RM8 1TF 0 51.567423 0.12714
RM8 1TJ 0 51.562939 0.129384
RM8 1TL 1 51.565586 0.129332
RM8 1TP 0 51.565828 0.129259
RM8 1TR 0 51.56594 0.130058
RM8 1TS 0 51.563122 0.130244
RM8 1TT 0 51.563696 0.130819
RM8 1TU 0 51.562554 0.131314
RM8 1TW 0 51.567008 0.125216