all postcodes in S1 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S1 4GN 0 53.379233 -1.476123
S1 4GT 8 53.378305 -1.477728
S1 4GX 1 53.379113 -1.477327
S1 4GY 0 53.379715 -1.477365
S1 4HD 1 53.378529 -1.475395
S1 4HF 3 53.378347 -1.474947
S1 4HG 1 53.37793 -1.476185
S1 4HJ 0 53.379957 -1.473002
S1 4HN 0 53.378863 -1.471648
S1 4HP 5 53.379603 -1.47233
S1 4HR 1 53.376087 -1.475997
S1 4HS 0 53.378223 -1.473219
S1 4HX 4 53.37818 -1.477745
S1 4JA 127 53.376026 -1.474373
S1 4JB 10 53.379513 -1.48048
S1 4JD 3 53.376734 -1.474019
S1 4JE 0 53.376545 -1.473842
S1 4JF 0 53.379287 -1.480167
S1 4JH 4 53.375445 -1.475313
S1 4JL 7 53.379825 -1.479935