all postcodes in S13 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S13 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S13 9BD 0 53.374768 -1.380701
S13 9BE 0 53.374319 -1.380798
S13 9BG 0 53.377422 -1.395273
S13 9BH 5 53.375992 -1.393385
S13 9BJ 3 53.37478 -1.391764
S13 9BL 2 53.374046 -1.390571
S13 9BN 7 53.373224 -1.389756
S13 9BP 7 53.372074 -1.38821
S13 9BQ 1 53.371362 -1.386116
S13 9BS 4 53.374675 -1.392472
S13 9BT 0 53.374402 -1.382901
S13 9BU 0 53.374826 -1.379888
S13 9BX 7 53.372675 -1.389794
S13 9BY 10 53.370995 -1.386392
S13 9BZ 6 53.371708 -1.383405
S13 9DA 0 53.372341 -1.380826
S13 9DB 1 53.375489 -1.372423
S13 9DD 3 53.37273 -1.381166
S13 9DE 0 53.375252 -1.389216
S13 9DF 10 53.37548 -1.388071