all postcodes in S18 / DRONFIELD

find any address or company within the S18 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S18 2LB 28 0 53.305859 -1.466217
S18 2LD 56 0 53.305227 -1.46753
S18 2LE 16 0 53.304927 -1.466723
S18 2LF 14 3 53.305155 -1.467545
S18 2LG 21 2 53.304458 -1.468575
S18 2LH 6 0 53.304307 -1.466911
S18 2LJ 16 9 53.304674 -1.46452
S18 2LL 10 1 53.304544 -1.465498
S18 2LN 18 0 53.306313 -1.46513
S18 2LP 18 1 53.306082 -1.465704
S18 2LQ 25 0 53.303563 -1.463243
S18 2LR 27 1 53.305749 -1.461791
S18 2LS 32 0 53.305507 -1.461823
S18 2LT 26 0 53.30615 -1.462911
S18 2LU 16 0 53.306295 -1.461244
S18 2LW 20 0 53.305333 -1.461196
S18 2LX 33 1 53.303262 -1.46832
S18 2LY 30 3 53.303873 -1.468327
S18 2LZ 20 1 53.302968 -1.464902
S18 2NA 34 0 53.302785 -1.470096