all postcodes in S18 / DRONFIELD

find any address or company within the S18 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S18 7SY 7 0 53.275054 -1.476197
S18 7SZ 3 0 53.282541 -1.499113
S18 7TA 14 3 53.272017 -1.489071
S18 7TB 13 0 53.263904 -1.479377
S18 7TD 9 2 53.267045 -1.484437
S18 7TE 23 0 53.266987 -1.485666
S18 7TF 7 0 53.265829 -1.494497
S18 7TG 5 2 53.266228 -1.503863
S18 7TH 6 0 53.261487 -1.511683
S18 7TJ 8 1 53.276906 -1.497125
S18 7TL 4 0 53.275405 -1.495134
S18 7TN 1 0 53.262189 -1.507432
S18 7TP 32 2 53.27522 -1.49392
S18 7TQ 5 0 53.268276 -1.484332
S18 7TR 11 3 53.269313 -1.485279
S18 7TS 12 0 53.275136 -1.493187
S18 7TT 3 0 53.27084 -1.484976
S18 7UR 3 0 53.291657 -1.478439
S18 7WA 8 0 53.301649 -1.529651
S18 7WB 16 1 53.296132 -1.534768