all postcodes in S2 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S2 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S2 1WH 0 53.376025 -1.431023
S2 1WJ 0 53.375823 -1.430094
S2 1WL 0 53.374717 -1.431897
S2 1WN 0 53.374235 -1.430731
S2 1WP 0 53.373677 -1.432588
S2 1WR 0 53.372701 -1.433307
S2 1WS 0 53.372435 -1.432304
S2 1WT 0 53.373665 -1.431836
S2 1WU 0 53.375406 -1.433301
S2 1WW 0 53.374003 -1.429382
S2 1WX 0 53.372041 -1.43067
S2 1WY 0 53.37175 -1.433635
S2 1WZ 0 53.372967 -1.436385
S2 1XA 0 53.372782 -1.437109
S2 1EE 2 2 53.361219 -1.424984
S2 1HT 37 0 53.367964 -1.427674
S2 1HU 8 0 53.367632 -1.427708
S2 1HZ 11 0 53.367436 -1.428206
S2 1GR 11 0 53.367154 -1.427489
S2 1GX 21 0 53.367547 -1.427048