all postcodes in S2 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S2 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S2 3EH 0 53.361802 -1.465473
S2 3EJ 0 53.360626 -1.46385
S2 3EL 0 53.361212 -1.464217
S2 3EN 46 53.362804 -1.470555
S2 3EX 0 53.359802 -1.464551
S2 3EY 0 53.359993 -1.464879
S2 3GA 2 53.368828 -1.460756
S2 3GD 0 53.366199 -1.463885
S2 3GE 2 53.365084 -1.465612
S2 3GG 0 53.366582 -1.463069
S2 3GJ 0 53.365603 -1.463141
S2 3GL 2 53.362851 -1.462935
S2 3GN 0 53.363276 -1.463335
S2 3GP 0 53.362553 -1.464517
S2 3GQ 0 53.363364 -1.464943
S2 3GR 0 53.364068 -1.463686
S2 3GS 0 53.364329 -1.463773
S2 3GT 0 53.364248 -1.465713
S2 3GU 0 53.363776 -1.464697
S2 3GX 0 53.364457 -1.464237