all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 6RL 68 0 53.341541 -1.378043
S20 6RN 13 0 53.342154 -1.381759
S20 6RP 38 0 53.342711 -1.381721
S20 6RQ 9 0 53.342902 -1.380592
S20 6RR 10 0 53.34252 -1.379816
S20 6RS 38 0 53.341773 -1.386556
S20 6RT 2 0 53.34189 -1.377753
S20 6RU 30 0 53.340953 -1.379193
S20 6RW 32 0 53.340722 -1.381464
S20 6RX 15 0 53.340199 -1.381157
S20 6RY 33 0 53.341526 -1.385673
S20 6RZ 15 0 53.340937 -1.388325
S20 6SA 33 0 53.341352 -1.379788
S20 6SB 10 0 53.339785 -1.384271
S20 6SD 7 0 53.34016 -1.385588
S20 6SE 7 0 53.340306 -1.384159
S20 6SF 23 0 53.339854 -1.385502
S20 6SG 50 0 53.340234 -1.382748
S20 6SH 13 0 53.340889 -1.382348
S20 6SJ 11 0 53.339959 -1.383338