all postcodes in S25 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S25 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S25 3QB 30 10 53.374089 -1.225787
S25 3QE 5 5 53.372837 -1.2213
S25 3RA 7 0 53.378797 -1.233669
S25 3QL 0 53.377837 -1.231311
S25 3QF 39 0 53.376044 -1.229164
S25 3QG 10 0 53.376511 -1.229245
S25 3AN 0 53.376229 -1.231535
S25 3AL 0 53.376697 -1.231647
S25 3AP 0 53.376528 -1.230508
S25 3QJ 0 53.376753 -1.227693
S25 3QD 12 53.37449 -1.222263
S25 3NQ 9 53.374026 -1.218979
S25 3SJ 0 53.37558 -1.22848
S25 3SA 32 4 53.378376 -1.231331
S25 3SB 8 0 53.380127 -1.233765
S25 3AD 0 53.378719 -1.228694
S25 3AE 0 53.378177 -1.228283
S25 3AB 27 0 53.37763 -1.228309
S25 3SF 5 5 53.373953 -1.217417
S25 3QH 1 53.376765 -1.228024