all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 2BB 0 53.359995 -1.309542
S26 2BD 1 53.362763 -1.293944
S26 2BE 2 53.36633 -1.278707
S26 2BG 1 53.360828 -1.312098
S26 2BH 0 53.36759 -1.310952
S26 2BJ 0 53.359222 -1.314092
S26 2BL 5 53.361183 -1.309673
S26 2BN 0 53.3587 -1.312508
S26 2BP 4 53.361071 -1.310546
S26 2BQ 0 53.368527 -1.312785
S26 2BR 1 53.35834 -1.313986
S26 2BS 6 53.357223 -1.313403
S26 2BT 0 53.365351 -1.30146
S26 2BU 0 53.359664 -1.312928
S26 2BW 0 53.365702 -1.307751
S26 2BX 0 53.357846 -1.310974
S26 2BY 0 53.364919 -1.304428
S26 2BZ 0 53.366756 -1.309598
S26 2DA 0 53.366444 -1.310219
S26 2DB 5 53.365176 -1.308451