all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 4SW 72 0 53.363407 -1.335694
S26 4SX 19 0 53.35905 -1.328099
S26 4SY 40 0 53.359483 -1.330045
S26 4SZ 47 0 53.360489 -1.331472
S26 4TA 17 0 53.366051 -1.319948
S26 4TB 42 1 53.36654 -1.320632
S26 4TD 58 0 53.367073 -1.31299
S26 4TE 4 0 53.363721 -1.314742
S26 4TF 12 3 53.366211 -1.324274
S26 4TG 25 0 53.366331 -1.323385
S26 4TH 45 3 53.367834 -1.321979
S26 4TJ 8 0 53.366644 -1.313597
S26 4TL 37 6 53.359616 -1.326587
S26 4TN 12 0 53.367171 -1.314686
S26 4TP 47 1 53.364602 -1.316515
S26 4TQ 8 0 53.36386 -1.314063
S26 4TR 16 0 53.365511 -1.31354
S26 4TS 26 0 53.365263 -1.312642
S26 4TT 64 13 53.363989 -1.322461
S26 4TU 10 2 53.363938 -1.322988