all postcodes in S33 / HOPE VALLEY

find any address or company within the S33 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S33 9JS 18 0 53.329978 -1.739929
S33 9JT 26 12 53.335111 -1.736113
S33 9JU 2 0 53.327084 -1.74077
S33 9JW 7 0 53.329381 -1.74235
S33 9JX 31 5 53.327141 -1.741582
S33 9JY 7 0 53.329831 -1.743171
S33 9JZ 1 0 53.332585 -1.748187
S33 9LA 2 0 53.329755 -1.74143
S33 9LB 26 1 53.327161 -1.738129
S33 9LD 2 0 53.328636 -1.739064
S33 9LE 4 0 53.327577 -1.739177
S33 9LF 3 0 53.327 -1.742664
S33 9NG 1 1 53.340374 -1.726033
S33 9NP 1 1 53.323891 -1.751556
S33 9NT 1 1 53.328548 -1.740236
S33 9AB 0 53.330663 -1.744924
S33 9LG 1 0 53.32308 -1.734296