all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 8PY 0 53.439362 -1.49372
S35 8PZ 0 53.443264 -1.500388
S35 8QA 0 53.443 -1.49729
S35 8QB 7 53.442975 -1.5
S35 8QD 0 53.43756 -1.518594
S35 8QE 0 53.444063 -1.502306
S35 8QF 0 53.443752 -1.50097
S35 8QH 3 53.43949 -1.496157
S35 8QG 2 53.444053 -1.495471
S35 8QJ 0 53.451647 -1.488816
S35 8QL 0 53.439386 -1.495105
S35 8QN 0 53.435794 -1.485243
S35 8QP 0 53.436111 -1.483854
S35 8QQ 0 53.436603 -1.483216
S35 8QR 0 53.439873 -1.495385
S35 8QS 1 53.436368 -1.495517
S35 8QT 0 53.440086 -1.505725
S35 8QU 1 53.442022 -1.497798
S35 8QW 0 53.436582 -1.503808
S35 8QX 1 53.436967 -1.501215