all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 3GS 1 53.467954 -1.489328
S35 3GT 6 53.46906 -1.487115
S35 3GU 0 53.469392 -1.478781
S35 3GW 0 53.469214 -1.479295
S35 3GY 0 53.467653 -1.481935
S35 3GZ 0 53.467087 -1.484096
S35 3HB 0 53.468844 -1.484963
S35 3HG 0 53.473341 -1.485617
S35 3HP 0 53.469088 -1.483258
S35 3HQ 0 53.469264 -1.488604
S35 3HR 1 53.473068 -1.484852
S35 3HS 5 53.47273 -1.483772
S35 3HT 1 53.470625 -1.481206
S35 3HU 0 53.470239 -1.481361
S35 3HX 0 53.469377 -1.485771
S35 3HY 7 53.475007 -1.484452
S35 3HZ 1 53.471975 -1.481642
S35 3JA 0 53.468253 -1.4753
S35 3JF 0 53.469149 -1.480727
S35 3JG 0 53.467952 -1.476222