all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 4LJ 0 53.471688 -1.500808
S35 4LL 0 53.477178 -1.48765
S35 4LQ 3 53.474081 -1.488516
S35 4LS 4 53.474788 -1.491883
S35 4LT 0 53.475205 -1.495057
S35 4LU 8 53.474714 -1.489473
S35 4LW 1 53.475326 -1.493805
S35 4LX 1 53.475675 -1.495563
S35 4LY 0 53.477398 -1.490676
S35 4LZ 0 53.474521 -1.498951
S35 4NA 0 53.473016 -1.495836
S35 4ND 0 53.473202 -1.493227
S35 4NE 0 53.472259 -1.493389
S35 4NF 2 53.474427 -1.493694
S35 4NG 0 53.471457 -1.495055
S35 4NH 0 53.471618 -1.496997
S35 4NJ 0 53.472829 -1.494347
S35 4NL 0 53.472575 -1.493596
S35 4NN 0 53.471993 -1.496345
S35 4NP 0 53.472454 -1.494818