all postcodes in S35 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S35 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S35 9WP 2 53.440141 -1.458093
S35 9WQ 0 53.452131 -1.465996
S35 9WR 1 53.438029 -1.45821
S35 9WS 0 53.43552 -1.458016
S35 9WT 0 53.438408 -1.458627
S35 9WU 0 53.435172 -1.458457
S35 9WW 0 53.435166 -1.457283
S35 9WX 0 53.439192 -1.46092
S35 9WY 11 53.441026 -1.455176
S35 9WZ 0 53.445212 -1.466384
S35 9XA 1 53.4405 -1.466157
S35 9XB 2 53.437985 -1.460468
S35 9XD 3 53.43989 -1.466331
S35 9XE 3 53.438217 -1.463973
S35 9XF 0 53.437532 -1.459601
S35 9XG 0 53.445907 -1.461016
S35 9XH 1 53.444813 -1.455775
S35 9XJ 1 53.446805 -1.445165
S35 9XL 1 53.443643 -1.461436
S35 9XN 1 53.445376 -1.45098