all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S3 7JD30053.385775-1.481937
S3 7JE11053.386711-1.482076
S3 7JF3053.387672-1.481899
S3 7JG16053.387249-1.481784
S3 7JH8053.386524-1.482454
S3 7JL3253.386211-1.478714
S3 7JN18053.386022-1.482806
S3 7JP30053.385417-1.482317
S3 7JQ18053.385351-1.483506
S3 7JR36053.385349-1.48307
S3 7JS13153.38667-1.482978
S3 7JU23053.388973-1.481312
S3 7JW16053.388398-1.481364
S3 7JX1053.390126-1.479854
S3 7JY1153.387332-1.482339
S3 7JZ8053.38938-1.479953
S3 7LA25053.386976-1.48099
S3 7LB25053.387184-1.481348
S3 7LD20053.386794-1.480571
S3 7LN8053.387243-1.480416