all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S4 7ZB 1 1 53.386925 -1.453415
S4 7ZE 3 3 53.387675 -1.450384
S4 7ZG 24 22 53.38698 -1.453685
S4 7ZJ 6 6 53.387066 -1.445144
S4 7ZN 2 0 53.386983 -1.458287
S4 7HJ 1 53.395983 -1.458879
S4 7YW 7 53.38818 -1.446919
S4 7SA 1 53.398529 -1.449477
S4 7DY 3 3 53.398712 -1.444362
S4 7XU 1 0 53.387885 -1.447224
S4 7QD 3 53.393599 -1.452428
S4 7EQ 1 1 53.38735 -1.459876
S4 7TL 1 1 53.385814 -1.454317
S4 7QF 1 53.396639 -1.448975
S4 7PD 1 53.395865 -1.450729
S4 7DZ 1 53.390269 -1.441885