all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S4 8EY 5 1 53.406602 -1.438046
S4 8EZ 14 0 53.40706 -1.439906
S4 8FA 18 1 53.406699 -1.441655
S4 8FB 34 1 53.406241 -1.43966
S4 8FG 55 0 53.403502 -1.446149
S4 8FH 58 0 53.403589 -1.447276
S4 8FJ 12 0 53.405259 -1.448864
S4 8FL 74 0 53.405663 -1.446783
S4 8FN 26 0 53.404803 -1.449471
S4 8FP 43 0 53.404999 -1.443242
S4 8FQ 50 0 53.404031 -1.445827
S4 8GA 44 7 53.407814 -1.449448
S4 8GB 5 2 53.407238 -1.447214
S4 8GD 29 0 53.407697 -1.443462
S4 8GE 8 0 53.407569 -1.441253
S4 8GF 24 1 53.407261 -1.440625
S4 8GL 27 0 53.408609 -1.448309
S4 8GN 21 4 53.408045 -1.446918
S4 8GR 3 0 53.408097 -1.446405
S4 8GS 24 9 53.409127 -1.447641