all postcodes in S40 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S40 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 3RR 4 0 53.237557 -1.467021
S40 3RS 25 0 53.23284 -1.463709
S40 3RT 38 0 53.224079 -1.438624
S40 3RU 3 0 53.230479 -1.462226
S40 3SA 12 0 53.224287 -1.440778
S40 3SB 8 0 53.224109 -1.443102
S40 3SD 10 0 53.224201 -1.441708
S40 3SE 26 0 53.229013 -1.454305
S40 3SF 8 0 53.228863 -1.454756
S40 3SG 3 0 53.228475 -1.472602
S40 3SH 9 0 53.23366 -1.462066
S40 3SJ 16 0 53.234365 -1.461023
S40 3SL 7 0 53.234631 -1.462159
S40 3SN 19 0 53.233771 -1.462709
S40 3SP 6 0 53.22036 -1.458833
S40 3SQ 14 0 53.220081 -1.460888
S40 3SR 4 0 53.230043 -1.473317
S40 3SS 15 0 53.225569 -1.46395
S40 3YU 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 3SW 0 53.235234 -1.462271