all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 3TH 0 53.270061 -1.344399
S43 3TJ 0 53.270058 -1.343829
S43 3TL 7 53.268605 -1.350627
S43 3TN 6 53.269881 -1.350682
S43 3TP 1 53.270039 -1.350322
S43 3TQ 0 53.269853 -1.340983
S43 3TR 3 53.269235 -1.347875
S43 3TS 0 53.268667 -1.347689
S43 3TT 6 53.269146 -1.344442
S43 3TU 2 53.26915 -1.341878
S43 3TX 2 53.269518 -1.341737
S43 3TZ 3 53.270361 -1.343374
S43 3UA 0 53.271409 -1.342684
S43 3UB 0 53.270708 -1.341135
S43 3UD 0 53.270202 -1.337454
S43 3UE 0 53.269885 -1.338688
S43 3UF 0 53.270421 -1.339144
S43 3UG 1 53.271032 -1.338041
S43 3UH 0 53.27154 -1.335664
S43 3UJ 1 53.266655 -1.3525