all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 4BA 0 53.271172 -1.253618
S43 4BB 0 53.270705 -1.259414
S43 4BD 0 53.269649 -1.254469
S43 4BE 0 53.270458 -1.25441
S43 4BF 0 53.269994 -1.260716
S43 4BG 0 53.273985 -1.260211
S43 4BH 4 53.275017 -1.261874
S43 4BJ 0 53.273941 -1.258803
S43 4BL 0 53.273698 -1.258912
S43 4BN 0 53.268664 -1.266616
S43 4BP 0 53.270826 -1.261526
S43 4BS 1 53.271367 -1.260422
S43 4BT 0 53.270275 -1.256797
S43 4BU 0 53.270374 -1.262148
S43 4BW 0 53.270055 -1.256051
S43 4BX 1 53.270027 -1.262724
S43 4BY 0 53.264447 -1.260617
S43 4BZ 0 53.269606 -1.263466
S43 4DA 0 53.272229 -1.263975
S43 4DB 1 53.272275 -1.263286