all postcodes in S45 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S45 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S45 0EX 5 0 53.151065 -1.463038
S45 0EY 20 0 53.154965 -1.47063
S45 0HA 8 1 53.149072 -1.46964
S45 0EZ 8 0 53.150495 -1.476428
S45 0HT 5 0 53.145767 -1.472312
S45 0HB 7 0 53.147305 -1.468483
S45 0HN 9 0 53.143107 -1.466561
S45 0HD 2 0 53.140923 -1.464478
S45 0HE 4 0 53.142631 -1.460737
S45 0HF 3 0 53.146097 -1.46561
S45 0HG 3 0 53.150321 -1.467489
S45 0HP 3 0 53.17287 -1.499507
S45 0HR 5 0 53.175511 -1.501422
S45 0HS 4 0 53.176624 -1.505375
S45 0HU 3 0 53.175129 -1.508877
S45 0HW 3 0 53.165895 -1.487113
S45 0HX 2 0 53.176827 -1.515336
S45 0HY 1 0 53.176484 -1.514982
S45 0HZ 2 0 53.176649 -1.515637
S45 0JA 4 0 53.171725 -1.516487