all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S4 8LN 3 3 53.401025 -1.446873
S4 8LS 43 0 53.411396 -1.442692
S4 8LT 1 1 53.399529 -1.447915
S4 8LU 11 8 53.401932 -1.444816
S4 8NB 2 2 53.40518 -1.439569
S4 8BF 0 53.406965 -1.452332
S4 8DX 5 5 53.405116 -1.437464
S4 8DY 2 53.404298 -1.439325
S4 8AU 0 53.409788 -1.429385
S4 8AG 0 53.410434 -1.429241
S4 8DA 12 53.405398 -1.436317
S4 8AE 0 53.407664 -1.436558
S4 8BW 1 53.40764 -1.446862
S4 8AF 8 0 53.410602 -1.443846
S4 8BR 5 0 53.408018 -1.429589
S4 8BX 28 0 53.405771 -1.452678
S4 8BZ 19 0 53.406223 -1.451333
S40 1AA 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 1AB 1 1 53.235608 -1.432226
S40 1AG 9 4 53.235718 -1.434532