all postcodes in S5 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S5 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S5 8TD 0 53.415947 -1.483241
S5 8TE 0 53.415472 -1.485623
S5 8TF 0 53.41438 -1.484644
S5 8TG 0 53.415324 -1.486708
S5 8TH 0 53.413179 -1.489503
S5 8TJ 2 53.411623 -1.474959
S5 8TL 0 53.411815 -1.479815
S5 8TN 1 53.413026 -1.483231
S5 8TP 2 53.41194 -1.475436
S5 8TQ 1 53.411935 -1.478325
S5 8TR 0 53.412966 -1.481847
S5 8TS 0 53.411198 -1.482426
S5 8TT 5 53.412167 -1.482203
S5 8TU 0 53.411317 -1.482996
S5 8TW 0 53.411181 -1.487029
S5 8TX 0 53.411456 -1.486093
S5 8TY 0 53.410583 -1.48156
S5 8TZ 0 53.410457 -1.485864
S5 8UA 0 53.410782 -1.486071
S5 8UB 0 53.410987 -1.487814