all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S6 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 4HD 44 12 53.407381 -1.504389
S6 4HE 27 3 53.409501 -1.504274
S6 4HF 3 2 53.403741 -1.502446
S6 4HJ 3 0 53.405972 -1.505008
S6 4HL 21 21 53.403296 -1.501504
S6 4HN 23 0 53.405619 -1.506681
S6 4HP 5 0 53.406224 -1.507276
S6 4JA 21 0 53.403801 -1.504025
S6 4JB 14 0 53.403331 -1.503353
S6 4JD 41 2 53.402677 -1.503872
S6 4JF 39 3 53.402752 -1.504639
S6 4JG 20 1 53.401915 -1.506332
S6 4JH 27 0 53.401953 -1.506918
S6 4JJ 17 0 53.402378 -1.503244
S6 4JL 23 6 53.40269 -1.502624
S6 4JP 36 7 53.401961 -1.502527
S6 4JQ 28 9 53.402044 -1.503023
S6 4JR 38 13 53.401154 -1.505154
S6 4JW 33 15 53.401255 -1.505679
S6 4JY 1 1 53.400023 -1.509693