all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S6 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 6DD 22 1 53.391097 -1.548545
S6 6DE 35 0 53.390755 -1.550835
S6 6DF 47 0 53.391247 -1.550017
S6 6DG 16 0 53.391129 -1.552184
S6 6DH 15 0 53.389705 -1.54865
S6 6DJ 21 0 53.389259 -1.549783
S6 6DL 29 0 53.39528 -1.542231
S6 6DN 8 0 53.39477 -1.540582
S6 6DP 36 6 53.39423 -1.540332
S6 6DQ 35 0 53.39253 -1.537688
S6 6DR 33 0 53.392604 -1.535778
S6 6DS 34 0 53.391716 -1.534073
S6 6DT 39 1 53.391936 -1.535093
S6 6DU 34 0 53.391502 -1.539173
S6 6DW 28 1 53.391869 -1.538899
S6 6DX 19 0 53.391196 -1.543823
S6 6DY 20 0 53.391575 -1.544134
S6 6DZ 23 1 53.390383 -1.547365
S6 6EA 38 0 53.39008 -1.550586
S6 6EB 43 0 53.392191 -1.540805