all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S61 2AL053.438177-1.402436
S61 2AN053.438493-1.402747
S61 2AP053.439706-1.404536
S61 2AQ253.438382-1.400385
S61 2AR053.439547-1.403229
S61 2AS053.438863-1.402998
S61 2AT053.439689-1.402716
S61 2AU053.439083-1.402016
S61 2AW053.437283-1.40159
S61 2AX053.438188-1.40108
S61 2AY053.437235-1.400973
S61 2AZ053.436574-1.400109
S61 2BA053.435883-1.398463
S61 2BB053.436858-1.399292
S61 2BD153.434498-1.398393
S61 2BE053.43444-1.395684
S61 2BF053.43366-1.396192
S61 2BG053.433761-1.394745
S61 2BH353.434345-1.396483
S61 2BJ053.439765-1.403587