all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 6LF 1 1 53.45026 -1.338044
S62 6LG 36 0 53.456399 -1.339711
S62 6LH 10 7 53.445777 -1.348232
S62 6LJ 3 2 53.445688 -1.348474
S62 6LL 9 6 53.444986 -1.349975
S62 6LN 11 3 53.460256 -1.344772
S62 6LP 7 0 53.459763 -1.344945
S62 6LQ 7 0 53.456927 -1.34904
S62 6LR 37 0 53.457663 -1.347282
S62 6LS 4 0 53.457109 -1.347878
S62 6LT 11 1 53.458258 -1.34423
S62 6LU 5 0 53.458698 -1.344224
S62 6LW 1 1 53.459623 -1.344029
S62 6LX 32 1 53.458811 -1.341797
S62 6LY 10 0 53.459143 -1.34006
S62 6LZ 9 0 53.459171 -1.341957
S62 6NA 24 0 53.458945 -1.343406
S62 6NB 23 0 53.459481 -1.341154
S62 6ND 12 0 53.459568 -1.342192
S62 6NE 1 1 53.45921 -1.34414