all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 6FE 22 0 53.457422 -1.340945
S62 6FF 9 0 53.45774 -1.341678
S62 6FG 23 0 53.458383 -1.340779
S62 6FH 2 2 53.452217 -1.347382
S62 6HA 18 0 53.456766 -1.345792
S62 6HD 15 1 53.454605 -1.346728
S62 6HF 10 0 53.452997 -1.347022
S62 6HG 3 1 53.452622 -1.349091
S62 6HH 19 0 53.453291 -1.346656
S62 6HJ 21 1 53.45383 -1.346437
S62 6HL 4 0 53.452765 -1.345672
S62 6HN 8 2 53.452555 -1.344968
S62 6HP 6 0 53.452787 -1.344766
S62 6HQ 6 0 53.452644 -1.346636
S62 6HR 46 0 53.453958 -1.34529
S62 6HS 8 0 53.453749 -1.344782
S62 6HT 27 2 53.454276 -1.345858
S62 6HU 1 0 53.455246 -1.345798
S62 6HY 17 0 53.455631 -1.34543
S62 6HZ 15 0 53.455387 -1.345284