all postcodes in S66 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S66 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S66 7QS 0 53.423674 -1.192261
S66 7QT 1 53.436043 -1.17011
S66 7QU 0 53.436458 -1.172856
S66 7QX 0 53.436374 -1.168538
S66 7QY 1 53.436145 -1.164132
S66 7QZ 0 53.435812 -1.163748
S66 7RA 0 53.462082 -1.217876
S66 7RB 0 53.436824 -1.168649
S66 7RD 2 53.438976 -1.171754
S66 7RG 1 53.448535 -1.179986
S66 7RH 1 53.443058 -1.17458
S66 7RJ 0 53.446074 -1.196308
S66 7RL 4 53.442579 -1.214185
S66 7RN 0 53.440611 -1.229186
S66 7RQ 0 53.450334 -1.188307
S66 7RR 1 53.446842 -1.226844
S66 7RS 0 53.461376 -1.219893
S66 7RT 0 53.450833 -1.217179
S66 7RU 0 53.451138 -1.216874
S66 7RW 0 53.446803 -1.222297