all postcodes in S7 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S7 2AW053.336879-1.512415
S7 2AX453.351253-1.486891
S7 2AY053.351443-1.487054
S7 2AZ053.351953-1.486538
S7 2BA753.355006-1.48587
S7 2BB653.353463-1.48646
S7 2BE953.35486-1.485377
S7 2BG1053.353505-1.485814
S7 2BH253.35165-1.487278
S7 2BJ253.350274-1.489217
S7 2BP053.348391-1.492274
S7 2BL653.351984-1.487544
S7 2BN153.34915-1.493212
S7 2BQ353.35461-1.487903
S7 2BR053.354872-1.490169
S7 2BS053.3551-1.486845
S7 2BT053.354989-1.488139
S7 2BU053.354854-1.492333
S7 2BW053.353799-1.493637
S7 2BX053.352731-1.494116