all postcodes in S70 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S70 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S70 5DG 16 2 53.527139 -1.46964
S70 5DH 10 0 53.527618 -1.468186
S70 5DJ 8 3 53.527666 -1.466903
S70 5DL 24 0 53.528606 -1.464115
S70 5DN 3 0 53.534598 -1.465352
S70 5DP 18 0 53.529272 -1.462221
S70 5DQ 6 0 53.527346 -1.469788
S70 5DR 30 0 53.529325 -1.46394
S70 5DS 10 0 53.528714 -1.46612
S70 5DT 20 0 53.529148 -1.466658
S70 5DU 8 0 53.529358 -1.465343
S70 5DW 2 0 53.52875 -1.461987
S70 5DX 24 0 53.529533 -1.464239
S70 5DY 18 0 53.529517 -1.466699
S70 5DZ 12 0 53.530113 -1.465439
S70 5EA 12 0 53.530315 -1.46438
S70 5EB 36 0 53.530919 -1.464705
S70 5ED 12 0 53.530696 -1.463093
S70 5EE 7 0 53.530894 -1.463211
S70 5EF 8 0 53.532723 -1.462177