all postcodes in S71 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S71 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S71 1LJ 2 53.559433 -1.475426
S71 1LL 2 53.561575 -1.471898
S71 1LN 1 53.560718 -1.475395
S71 1LP 1 53.559038 -1.473544
S71 1LQ 7 53.55774 -1.476684
S71 1LS 1 53.561979 -1.469778
S71 1LU 8 53.564156 -1.472078
S71 1LX 0 53.562735 -1.46995
S71 1LY 1 53.563592 -1.470739
S71 1NB 0 53.557549 -1.476219
S71 1ND 3 53.56542 -1.471428
S71 1NF 6 53.565017 -1.471841
S71 1NG 9 53.568073 -1.471831
S71 1NH 1 53.570968 -1.473939
S71 1NJ 0 53.569412 -1.473853
S71 1NL 1 53.56849 -1.474664
S71 1NN 0 53.568715 -1.472774
S71 1NP 1 53.570395 -1.472484
S71 1NQ 0 53.573785 -1.472726
S71 1NT 4 53.574242 -1.474563