all postcodes in S71 / BARNSLEY

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S71 3AA553.579614-1.478031
S71 3AB053.579791-1.479312
S71 3AE553.580429-1.479382
S71 3AF353.57974-1.476005
S71 3AH053.580257-1.468779
S71 3AJ053.57981-1.465432
S71 3AL053.579047-1.463541
S71 3AN053.579656-1.463077
S71 3AQ053.580052-1.473313
S71 3AR253.581112-1.473179
S71 3AS053.58072-1.47403
S71 3AT053.580924-1.475401
S71 3AU053.580909-1.478105
S71 3AX053.581312-1.477798
S71 3AY053.581291-1.481272
S71 3AZ053.581973-1.480947
S71 3BA053.582007-1.478545
S71 3BB053.58133-1.475638
S71 3BD053.581982-1.476869
S71 3BE053.582368-1.478797