all postcodes in S71 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S71 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S71 4AZ 1 53.600284 -1.437566
S71 4BA 0 53.59988 -1.437646
S71 4BB 0 53.600823 -1.436006
S71 4BD 2 53.603028 -1.432758
S71 4BG 0 53.60799 -1.434395
S71 4BH 0 53.599571 -1.442652
S71 4BJ 0 53.598885 -1.440213
S71 4BL 0 53.603148 -1.462145
S71 4BP 6 53.600883 -1.44489
S71 4BQ 0 53.595626 -1.439108
S71 4BS 0 53.595913 -1.438847
S71 4BT 0 53.596551 -1.438915
S71 4BW 0 53.595446 -1.43905
S71 4BX 0 53.600465 -1.445436
S71 4BY 5 53.601095 -1.445715
S71 4BZ 0 53.601197 -1.444384
S71 4DA 0 53.60223 -1.446138
S71 4DB 0 53.60331 -1.446623
S71 4DE 0 53.602253 -1.445398
S71 4DF 0 53.602431 -1.444897