all postcodes in S72 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S72 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S72 8PB 60 0 53.596554 -1.415147
S72 8PD 12 0 53.59756 -1.414997
S72 8PE 10 0 53.594551 -1.40617
S72 8PF 20 0 53.596822 -1.414735
S72 8PG 8 0 53.597214 -1.41399
S72 8PH 18 11 53.598053 -1.416838
S72 8PJ 2 0 53.598502 -1.414973
S72 8PL 18 0 53.598878 -1.414163
S72 8PN 11 0 53.598 -1.411168
S72 8PP 12 0 53.598416 -1.411631
S72 8PQ 8 1 53.597976 -1.415384
S72 8PR 39 0 53.594828 -1.405939
S72 8PS 41 0 53.594818 -1.40748
S72 8PT 3 0 53.593803 -1.4076
S72 8PU 53 0 53.593787 -1.406241
S72 8PW 82 0 53.598694 -1.411627
S72 8PX 7 0 53.593169 -1.404799
S72 8PY 88 0 53.594529 -1.403571
S72 8PZ 30 1 53.589665 -1.406978
S72 8QA 4 2 53.591607 -1.40532