all postcodes in S73 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S73 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S73 8RL 0 53.528501 -1.420308
S73 8RN 0 53.529555 -1.420807
S73 8RP 0 53.529192 -1.419997
S73 8RQ 0 53.527984 -1.41935
S73 8RR 0 53.529028 -1.419592
S73 8RS 0 53.528846 -1.419233
S73 8RT 0 53.529023 -1.418672
S73 8RU 0 53.529979 -1.417228
S73 8RW 0 53.529283 -1.420328
S73 8RX 0 53.530941 -1.415553
S73 8RY 0 53.530128 -1.41653
S73 8RZ 0 53.53176 -1.415904
S73 8SB 0 53.531165 -1.417106
S73 8SD 0 53.530404 -1.418004
S73 8SE 0 53.529415 -1.417763
S73 8SF 0 53.529593 -1.419298
S73 8SG 0 53.530119 -1.420258
S73 8SJ 0 53.530815 -1.419251
S73 8SL 0 53.532323 -1.418944
S73 8SN 1 53.532236 -1.417602