all postcodes in S75 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S75 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S75 2LB 12 0 53.553508 -1.508978
S75 2LD 14 0 53.554568 -1.5088
S75 2LE 21 0 53.553668 -1.508554
S75 2LF 6 0 53.554638 -1.510459
S75 2LG 4 0 53.555061 -1.51059
S75 2LH 10 0 53.55544 -1.513182
S75 2LJ 69 0 53.557804 -1.510997
S75 2LL 7 0 53.555436 -1.509937
S75 2LN 12 0 53.555172 -1.509185
S75 2LP 11 0 53.555354 -1.507613
S75 2LQ 7 0 53.554669 -1.511576
S75 2LR 14 0 53.558727 -1.512571
S75 2LS 39 0 53.551833 -1.514899
S75 2LT 8 0 53.551642 -1.511928
S75 2LU 13 0 53.551892 -1.513721
S75 2LW 32 0 53.556135 -1.509506
S75 2LX 7 0 53.552375 -1.515421
S75 2LY 16 0 53.552801 -1.516292
S75 2NA 6 0 53.559986 -1.501823
S75 2NB 8 0 53.559903 -1.501282