all postcodes in S75 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S75 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S75 3QH 25 1 53.538368 -1.512473
S75 3QJ 14 0 53.538036 -1.512627
S75 3QL 5 0 53.537236 -1.512637
S75 3QN 17 2 53.537168 -1.513679
S75 3QP 10 0 53.541504 -1.514353
S75 3QQ 20 0 53.538268 -1.514481
S75 3QR 14 1 53.541474 -1.524871
S75 3QS 22 0 53.540706 -1.523778
S75 3QT 16 0 53.541287 -1.525341
S75 3QU 48 0 53.536957 -1.516925
S75 3QW 33 0 53.535884 -1.516198
S75 3QX 30 0 53.543004 -1.518727
S75 3QY 24 1 53.540519 -1.513278
S75 3QZ 9 0 53.541063 -1.514434
S75 3RA 16 0 53.54033 -1.522047
S75 3RB 70 0 53.539763 -1.524228
S75 3RD 15 0 53.538928 -1.522184
S75 3RE 12 0 53.542267 -1.523067
S75 3RF 42 14 53.542364 -1.524816
S75 3RG 27 5 53.541639 -1.523406