all postcodes in S75 / BARNSLEY

find any address or company within the S75 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S75 6DE 0 53.583079 -1.493637
S75 6DF 0 53.582648 -1.491663
S75 6DG 0 53.587149 -1.501685
S75 6DJ 4 53.583205 -1.487246
S75 6DL 0 53.586228 -1.490064
S75 6DN 0 53.58378 -1.489504
S75 6DP 0 53.582814 -1.494818
S75 6DQ 0 53.582258 -1.488768
S75 6DR 0 53.582543 -1.494534
S75 6DS 0 53.58254 -1.495924
S75 6DT 18 53.582606 -1.496514
S75 6DU 0 53.581501 -1.496661
S75 6DW 0 53.583479 -1.490369
S75 6DX 0 53.580013 -1.497676
S75 6DY 1 53.581521 -1.499229
S75 6DZ 1 53.583252 -1.496368
S75 6EA 0 53.584244 -1.492882
S75 6EB 0 53.584445 -1.495795
S75 6ED 0 53.584581 -1.493936
S75 6EE 0 53.584486 -1.494843