all postcodes in S80 / WORKSOP

find any address or company within the S80 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S80 2BL 0 53.303376 -1.121047
S80 2BP 1 53.304441 -1.119209
S80 2BQ 0 53.303433 -1.121556
S80 2BU 1 53.305143 -1.115504
S80 2BX 0 53.305423 -1.114672
S80 2BY 2 53.30577 -1.115415
S80 2BZ 1 53.301779 -1.123961
S80 2DA 0 53.306201 -1.114131
S80 2DB 0 53.305895 -1.110475
S80 2DD 1 53.306453 -1.11414
S80 2DE 8 53.307026 -1.115134
S80 2DF 4 53.30732 -1.114738
S80 2DG 2 53.308194 -1.115035
S80 2DJ 0 53.308551 -1.110841
S80 2DN 0 53.308105 -1.109079
S80 2DP 0 53.306103 -1.107079
S80 2DQ 7 53.307696 -1.114475
S80 2DR 1 53.30715 -1.108813
S80 2DS 0 53.306414 -1.109009
S80 2DU 0 53.306367 -1.105048