all postcodes in SA1 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA1 5HY 1 51.619953 -3.947453
SA1 5JB 1 51.619953 -3.947666
SA1 5JE 1 51.619381 -3.949057
SA1 5JH 1 51.619501 -3.948875
SA1 5JN 0 51.619818 -3.949813
SA1 5JQ 2 51.619391 -3.950618
SA1 5JR 1 51.640578 -3.933751
SA1 5JY 2 51.620436 -3.947297
SA1 5LB 1 51.620424 -3.947484
SA1 5LE 5 51.62078 -3.946376
SA1 5LF 8 51.62097 -3.945763
SA1 5LG 1 51.620894 -3.946233
SA1 5LJ 1 51.626321 -3.941076
SA1 5LQ 3 51.621398 -3.944564
SA1 5LS 1 51.621604 -3.944645
SA1 5NE 5 51.620106 -3.952805
SA1 5NF 6 51.619934 -3.953447
SA1 5NG 4 51.619754 -3.954245
SA1 5NN 5 51.619478 -3.95545
SA1 5NQ 5 51.619648 -3.95463