all postcodes in SA11 / NEATH

find any address or company within the SA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA11 2DH 29 0 51.650234 -3.815641
SA11 2DL 31 0 51.650708 -3.815212
SA11 2DN 10 0 51.650996 -3.814616
SA11 2DP 37 0 51.651626 -3.813413
SA11 2DQ 16 6 51.631963 -3.818466
SA11 2DR 15 0 51.652769 -3.811608
SA11 2DS 9 0 51.652726 -3.810883
SA11 2DT 24 0 51.652682 -3.776129
SA11 2DU 31 0 51.653219 -3.809804
SA11 2DW 37 0 51.651796 -3.812292
SA11 2DX 20 6 51.63113 -3.819357
SA11 2DY 8 0 51.651757 -3.774835
SA11 2DZ 38 0 51.631093 -3.820584
SA11 2EB 32 0 51.653101 -3.811086
SA11 2ED 34 2 51.65177 -3.813997
SA11 2EE 35 2 51.650361 -3.816716
SA11 2EG 4 0 51.649913 -3.81716
SA11 2EH 15 0 51.648897 -3.817163
SA11 2EL 21 0 51.649419 -3.81597
SA11 2EN 28 0 51.649722 -3.816762