all postcodes in SA12 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA12 6LG 9 0 51.59479 -3.790848
SA12 6LH 13 2 51.594188 -3.790867
SA12 6LJ 21 0 51.593229 -3.807912
SA12 6LL 32 5 51.594207 -3.792543
SA12 6LN 0 51.594602 -3.79201
SA12 6LP 0 51.59515 -3.794385
SA12 6LQ 0 51.593619 -3.809152
SA12 6LR 1 51.596053 -3.7965
SA12 6LS 0 51.596393 -3.797206
SA12 6LT 0 51.595279 -3.796527
SA12 6LU 0 51.595125 -3.79486
SA12 6LW 2 51.594521 -3.793797
SA12 6LX 0 51.592463 -3.80541
SA12 6LY 1 51.59429 -3.79444
SA12 6NA 1 51.594602 -3.79497
SA12 6NB 1 51.594109 -3.795441
SA12 6ND 0 51.594639 -3.796068
SA12 6NE 1 51.59435 -3.796144
SA12 6NF 0 51.593584 -3.796835
SA12 6NG 0 51.592856 -3.796229