all postcodes in SA12 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA12 9RR 0 51.632779 -3.740874
SA12 9RU 0 51.634026 -3.731948
SA12 9RY 0 51.632715 -3.732433
SA12 9SA 0 51.632135 -3.741847
SA12 9SB 0 51.632111 -3.742554
SA12 9SD 0 51.631204 -3.74405
SA12 9SE 0 51.631272 -3.743663
SA12 9SF 0 51.631071 -3.743569
SA12 9SG 0 51.63372 -3.741141
SA12 9SH 0 51.644387 -3.757261
SA12 9SL 3 51.641185 -3.762687
SA12 9SN 0 51.646876 -3.75915
SA12 9SP 0 51.648747 -3.729749
SA12 9SR 0 51.648781 -3.744176
SA12 9SS 0 51.658746 -3.712593
SA12 9ST 0 51.652136 -3.725266
SA12 9SU 0 51.652653 -3.72744
SA12 9SW 0 51.645061 -3.748861
SA12 9SY 0 51.653422 -3.731098
SA12 9SZ 0 51.632496 -3.743306