all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 2XY 14 0 51.545804 -3.698093
SA13 2YA 3 0 51.594206 -3.756969
SA13 2YB 26 0 51.591972 -3.757229
SA13 2YD 34 0 51.592677 -3.757201
SA13 2YE 33 0 51.592893 -3.755953
SA13 2YF 1 0 51.5897 -3.756391
SA13 2YG 39 0 51.59291 -3.755215
SA13 2YH 6 0 51.593283 -3.754568
SA13 2YL 17 0 51.592761 -3.75378
SA13 2YN 30 0 51.592142 -3.754247
SA13 2YP 3 2 51.59477 -3.748689
SA13 2YR 2 0 51.594962 -3.732297
SA13 2ZW 1 0 51.592354 -3.778971
SA13 2BG 13 0 51.575823 -3.760099
SA13 2ST 0 51.572675 -3.748115
SA13 2AJ 6 0 51.573998 -3.752307
SA13 2LX 0 51.576354 -3.763092
SA13 2RX 0 51.611548 -3.755676
SA13 2AQ 0 51.577144 -3.758981
SA13 2LJ 48 0 51.580163 -3.761536