all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3UT 3 0 51.655666 -3.600493
SA13 3UU 43 0 51.655999 -3.598739
SA13 3UY 17 1 51.655962 -3.597901
SA13 3YA 4 0 51.655618 -3.599651
SA13 3YE 18 2 51.65574 -3.59772
SA13 3YF 1 0 51.654372 -3.601055
SA13 3YH 28 1 51.653995 -3.601663
SA13 3YL 21 3 51.654421 -3.602141
SA13 3YN 30 0 51.653627 -3.602286
SA13 3YP 12 0 51.652798 -3.600665
SA13 3YR 7 0 51.652614 -3.601034
SA13 3YS 3 0 51.652316 -3.601125
SA13 3YT 7 0 51.653171 -3.602384
SA13 3YU 5 0 51.653334 -3.602681
SA13 3YW 40 0 51.653281 -3.600612
SA13 3YY 7 0 51.655174 -3.606244
SA13 3TQ 0 51.657035 -3.604271
SA13 3LJ 1 0 51.656157 -3.66629
SA13 3YD 0 51.655478 -3.600008
SA13 9SA 1 1 51.597845 -3.783965